Ocean Zen Yoga.
Welcome to Ocean Zen Yoga.
I am Tara a 300RYT Sanatan Yoga teacher, trained in a classical study of Hatha, Jnana & Raja Yoga.

About Ocean Zen Yoga
Ocean Zen Yoga, was created as a place to document my yoga journey. I qualified in July 2019 as a 300hour RYT Sanatan Yoga teacher. This course was a classical study of Hatha, Jnana & Raja Yoga, studied at Yoga Satsang Ashram, Wales.
I currently teach yoga for the well-being of staff in my workplace. Throughout August there will be Friday flow classes avilable to book via the website.
In September 2019 I will be launching two new yoga classes.
A Friday evening class at 6-7pm, what better way to start your weekend that with en energising Hatha class that will stretch those muscles out and help you let go of the stress of the working week and get the weekend started .
A Sunday evening class at 6-7pm aimed at cyclists and runners to help stretch out those hips, hamstrings and lower backs after a weekend of training. Yoga is known to improve running and cycling and will help to prevent injury.
Information for the September classes will be published in August 2019
I offer a 1-2-1 yoga practice where I work with the individual to tailor the yoga to target specific issues or for people who do not have time to come to classes or are not ready to join in a group session.